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Welcome to my blog, Tacos & Teacakes! 

My name is Rhiannon and I'm the girl in that loony picture on the home page. Currently, I'm getting my Masters in Advertising and Public Relations at Richmond University in London. 


Originally I'm from a little city in southern California, but I've been living in London on and off for the past 2.5 years. My two homes couldn't be more different and as much as I adore London, there is a lot I miss about California. Mostly, the food! 


Thus, for my Digital Marketing project, I've decided to embark on a journey comparing English eats and Californian cuisine . Both cultures have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to food, and I am here to discuss them all!


I've also found that not a lot of Americans know what food is really like in the UK, so I also want to dispel some misconceptions while I'm at it. AKA, not everyone in London only eats fish and chips people!


If you've got any questions or specific topics you want covered, drop me a line on my Q&A form! 




the GAL from CALi

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